Follow @schink10 Two Cents: Mentor or Used Car Salesman?

Friday, August 2, 2013

Mentor or Used Car Salesman?

I am so frustrated with education right now.


I have always considered myself a reasonable and logical person, but I am absolutely bewildered as to what is required to be taught in school right now.  Why do we even have school?  Honestly, what is the purpose? I would think we are:

*  Trying to prepare children to become responsible citizens
*  Equipping students with the concepts and skills necessary to live a
    happy/healthy life
*  Preparing students to reach their potential, obtain a job, and be
*  Promoting health
*  Promoting environmental awareness
*  Promoting literacy skills that are needed to function in society           *  Creating altruistic people

Maybe I am not correct on assuming this is what we are preparing student for.  If this is what we are preparing them for, however, why in the world are we going in extreme depth about:

Catcher in the Rye, mitosis, the ocean floor, mitochondria, the Prime Meridian, specific forms of poetry, the Kreb's Cycle, the Calvin Cycle, Grapes of Wrath, capitals of countries, identifying all rivers of the world, covalent bonding, writing papers with the teacher as the only audience, and on and on and on and on.

What are we doing?


This is the main point that I want to emphasize:  I have always tried to treat every student I have had as if they were my own child.  I need to look at myself in the mirror every day.....and more importantly I have to look these students in the eye every day and tell them that I am doing everything possible to prepare them for their future.

Most believe me, and therefore do what is asked of them in the classroom....but should they be?

Am I preparing them for their future?  Are all of the standards and content that we are requiring students to memorize.....are all of the worksheets students are being asked to do for tomorrow.....are all of the standardized tests students are taking.......preparing them for their future?

If so, why is every business and organization I have had the opportunity to partner with saying that they are not necessarily concerned about what the students know, but just need people who can:

  • Communicate
  • Collaborate
  • Think critically about problems
  • Solve problems
  • Be creative and innovate
  • Have soft skills (eye contact, handshake, leadership voice, etc...)
These are 21st Century Skills and they are being drastically neglected by the majority of classrooms!!!  AND, it is NOT the teachers that I am pointing the finger at (I am one).  We are doing what we are told.  We are selling our students the "American Dream".....or are we?

Are you really preparing your students to be successful in the future?  Are you a mentor?


Are you just following orders and convincing kids that what you are teaching them is truly important and will prepare them for the future, although you do not believe this?  Are you a used car salesman?


Do it for your students.

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